Things I List and Track

Personal Finances

In 2018, I saved 21% of income for long-term expenses (RRSP & TFSA) and 20% of income for future expenses (to be paid this calendar year), leaving me with 59% of income for everything else. This changes throughout the year as lump-sum bills are paid off.

Groceries Purchased

$6628 was spent on groceries for 2 vegetarian adults and 2 cats in 2018. This includes groceries, snacks, cleaning products, paper goods, personal care items, cat food and cat litter, but not dining out, which was another $2603 (oops!)


I try to get 100% of the nutrients I need from Real Food on a daily basis. When I’m at my goal weight, I can usually eat 2200 calories a day. I am not an athlete so I aim for 60% carbs, 25% fat and 15% protein. Works for me.


I have regrettably found out that I need 2 hours of exercise 5 days a week to maintain my best weight and eat the amount I prefer (which is a lot). So I Just Do It! My usual morning workouts burn off about 350 calories, and I get in an hour of walking most days.

Home Inventory

There were 10,173 items in my house as of December 31, 2013.


I’ve almost halved my wardrobe to 150 items. It is an effort not to grow it, but I keep wrestling with my closet!

Books Read

I’m a librarian and I read a lot 🙂  I would love it if you follow me on Goodreads!

Movies Watched

The last movie I watched was Lady Bird (January 2019).

Concerts Seen

My spouse and I are big rock music fans. The next show we’re going to is Ria Mae (pop star) – March 2019.

Blog Stats

An Exacting Life started at the end of December, 2012, and currently has 701 followers (WordPress and email), 51 on Facebook and 56 on Bloglovin, although there is some overlap. As of the end of December 2018, there have been 578 posts and 433,900 all-time views. Thanks for reading!

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