Author Archives: anexactinglife

Annual Grocery Tally for 2022

Our household is three adults – two vegetarians and one (decidedly) not. Our family indulged heavily in grocery spending over the past two years, to compensate for not going out. We ate well, but we’ve also stretched our food dollars.

Annual Grocery Tally for 2022

Our household is three adults – two vegetarians and one (decidedly) not. Our family indulged heavily in grocery spending over the past two years, to compensate for not going out. We ate well, but we’ve also stretched our food dollars.

Life Update – January 2023

Hello and thanks for returning to read! Despite my rare posts, this blog has been going for 12 years now and I will stay the course. I’ll backtrack to my last update. Our grown child has been living with us

Life Update – January 2023

Hello and thanks for returning to read! Despite my rare posts, this blog has been going for 12 years now and I will stay the course. I’ll backtrack to my last update. Our grown child has been living with us

My Neighbours

I live in such a typical suburb. I thought I would give you a slice of life from around the neighbourhood. On one side we have an empty house. A recently-divorced professional woman bought the house about 15 years ago.

My Neighbours

I live in such a typical suburb. I thought I would give you a slice of life from around the neighbourhood. On one side we have an empty house. A recently-divorced professional woman bought the house about 15 years ago.

Life Update – August 2022

Thanks to everyone who finds and reads this post! I feel quite restored since the depths of February – for lots of reasons: Spending time outdoors after a long winter Fully recovered from a couple of sports injuries All phases

Life Update – August 2022

Thanks to everyone who finds and reads this post! I feel quite restored since the depths of February – for lots of reasons: Spending time outdoors after a long winter Fully recovered from a couple of sports injuries All phases

Colourful sticky notes covering a kitchen cupboard door, each with a household task written on it

Kitchen Kanban

Four years ago, I made a complete list of our household’s chores and maintenance. I posted a weekly task list on the fridge, so Rom and I could use it as a reference and get things done. It lasted until

Colourful sticky notes covering a kitchen cupboard door, each with a household task written on it

Kitchen Kanban

Four years ago, I made a complete list of our household’s chores and maintenance. I posted a weekly task list on the fridge, so Rom and I could use it as a reference and get things done. It lasted until

Assortment of Mojo brand chewy candies (fruit flavour toffees)

Candy Saturdays: Lordagsgodis

Have you heard of Swedish Candy Saturdays? I am trying them out! It was a tradition in Sweden that everyone who liked sweets should buy and eat as much as they wanted on Saturdays. Then you would thoroughly clean your

Assortment of Mojo brand chewy candies (fruit flavour toffees)

Candy Saturdays: Lordagsgodis

Have you heard of Swedish Candy Saturdays? I am trying them out! It was a tradition in Sweden that everyone who liked sweets should buy and eat as much as they wanted on Saturdays. Then you would thoroughly clean your

Crow on deck railing in driving snow, suburban shed in background

Life Update – February 2022

What I’ve been doing for the past 6 weeks.

Crow on deck railing in driving snow, suburban shed in background

Life Update – February 2022

What I’ve been doing for the past 6 weeks.

Grocery Tally 2021

What to say about my grocery buying and spending for 2021? If you’re looking for money-saving tips, this post is not for you! In 2020, I didn’t try very hard to save money on groceries. I was working from home

Grocery Tally 2021

What to say about my grocery buying and spending for 2021? If you’re looking for money-saving tips, this post is not for you! In 2020, I didn’t try very hard to save money on groceries. I was working from home

My Year in Books 2021

Not much makes me happier than thinking about books and reading. It’s been a good year. I would love to hear what everyone has read, been challenged by reading, or enjoyed. I upped my game this year and reviewed every

My Year in Books 2021

Not much makes me happier than thinking about books and reading. It’s been a good year. I would love to hear what everyone has read, been challenged by reading, or enjoyed. I upped my game this year and reviewed every

Life Update – October 2021

Hello Readers, thank you for being here! My life has been so calm I thought I would report on a few months of activities in one go. So much is going well. One thing isn’t. We haven’t seen Rom’s parents

Life Update – October 2021

Hello Readers, thank you for being here! My life has been so calm I thought I would report on a few months of activities in one go. So much is going well. One thing isn’t. We haven’t seen Rom’s parents