Category Archives: Food

Annual Grocery Tally for 2022

Our household is three adults – two vegetarians and one (decidedly) not. Our family indulged heavily in grocery spending over the past two years, to compensate for not going out. We ate well, but we’ve also stretched our food dollars.

Annual Grocery Tally for 2022

Our household is three adults – two vegetarians and one (decidedly) not. Our family indulged heavily in grocery spending over the past two years, to compensate for not going out. We ate well, but we’ve also stretched our food dollars.

Assortment of Mojo brand chewy candies (fruit flavour toffees)

Candy Saturdays: Lordagsgodis

Have you heard of Swedish Candy Saturdays? I am trying them out! It was a tradition in Sweden that everyone who liked sweets should buy and eat as much as they wanted on Saturdays. Then you would thoroughly clean your

Assortment of Mojo brand chewy candies (fruit flavour toffees)

Candy Saturdays: Lordagsgodis

Have you heard of Swedish Candy Saturdays? I am trying them out! It was a tradition in Sweden that everyone who liked sweets should buy and eat as much as they wanted on Saturdays. Then you would thoroughly clean your

Crow on deck railing in driving snow, suburban shed in background

Life Update – February 2022

What I’ve been doing for the past 6 weeks.

Crow on deck railing in driving snow, suburban shed in background

Life Update – February 2022

What I’ve been doing for the past 6 weeks.

Grocery Tally 2021

What to say about my grocery buying and spending for 2021? If you’re looking for money-saving tips, this post is not for you! In 2020, I didn’t try very hard to save money on groceries. I was working from home

Grocery Tally 2021

What to say about my grocery buying and spending for 2021? If you’re looking for money-saving tips, this post is not for you! In 2020, I didn’t try very hard to save money on groceries. I was working from home

Pandemic Grocery Tally 2020

I had decided not to blog about my grocery shopping for 2020 because it was too embarrassing. But in the interest of full transparency, I bring you my true report for the year. You can judge me all you like:

Pandemic Grocery Tally 2020

I had decided not to blog about my grocery shopping for 2020 because it was too embarrassing. But in the interest of full transparency, I bring you my true report for the year. You can judge me all you like:

A Day in Covid Lockdown

Today’s post is a photo journal of a Saturday. I was inspired by the Photo an Hour posts that Janet (blogger at JBistheinitial) used to do, like this one. I decided in advance to keep busy all day so I’d

A Day in Covid Lockdown

Today’s post is a photo journal of a Saturday. I was inspired by the Photo an Hour posts that Janet (blogger at JBistheinitial) used to do, like this one. I decided in advance to keep busy all day so I’d

This Year’s Grocery Tally

It’s January – time to analyze a year of grocery spending! This is the 8th annual 🙂 For new readers, we are 2 adults who eat vegetarian food at home, make our own meals, and eat out about once a

This Year’s Grocery Tally

It’s January – time to analyze a year of grocery spending! This is the 8th annual 🙂 For new readers, we are 2 adults who eat vegetarian food at home, make our own meals, and eat out about once a

Meal Plan Box

Last week I received the gift of a meal plan box from my friend PK! I was so curious to find out what these services are like. I’m sure you know the set-up: you pay for a number of meals,

Meal Plan Box

Last week I received the gift of a meal plan box from my friend PK! I was so curious to find out what these services are like. I’m sure you know the set-up: you pay for a number of meals,

Naked Groceries

Maybe I just love a grocery challenge, but I’m fed up with plastic packaging and I’m trying to come home with less of it. I was so disheartened to hear about the contaminated loads of Canadian recyclables rotting in the

Naked Groceries

Maybe I just love a grocery challenge, but I’m fed up with plastic packaging and I’m trying to come home with less of it. I was so disheartened to hear about the contaminated loads of Canadian recyclables rotting in the

Food Basket Challenge: Whew! It’s Over!

[Long Read] Background Rom and I did a Food Basket Challenge for the month of March. We limited our grocery budget to $340 for 4 weeks which is $42.50 per person per week. That is for food only. Our normal

Food Basket Challenge: Whew! It’s Over!

[Long Read] Background Rom and I did a Food Basket Challenge for the month of March. We limited our grocery budget to $340 for 4 weeks which is $42.50 per person per week. That is for food only. Our normal