Category Archives: Lists

Thriving in a Home-Based Life

I have now been Working from Home for 21 weeks. I love domestic life, but I never imagined I could integrate work and personal life to this degree. I am enjoying it while it lasts. As I mentioned in earlier

Thriving in a Home-Based Life

I have now been Working from Home for 21 weeks. I love domestic life, but I never imagined I could integrate work and personal life to this degree. I am enjoying it while it lasts. As I mentioned in earlier

Coronavirus Time Line

Well, hasn’t it been a time? Here’s an abbreviated “Coronavirus-era” timeline for my household and my part of the world. I work in a public library in Nova Scotia, Canada; my spouse Rom does IT support in a law office.

Coronavirus Time Line

Well, hasn’t it been a time? Here’s an abbreviated “Coronavirus-era” timeline for my household and my part of the world. I work in a public library in Nova Scotia, Canada; my spouse Rom does IT support in a law office.

This Year’s Grocery Tally

It’s January – time to analyze a year of grocery spending! This is the 8th annual 🙂 For new readers, we are 2 adults who eat vegetarian food at home, make our own meals, and eat out about once a

This Year’s Grocery Tally

It’s January – time to analyze a year of grocery spending! This is the 8th annual 🙂 For new readers, we are 2 adults who eat vegetarian food at home, make our own meals, and eat out about once a

Mid-Month Update: Food Basket Challenge

Stopping by for a check-in. Thanks to readers for looking up my weekly quick updates on the Facebook page! The first half of March went ahead as planned. We spent $137.26 in one shopping trip, and walked back a few

Mid-Month Update: Food Basket Challenge

Stopping by for a check-in. Thanks to readers for looking up my weekly quick updates on the Facebook page! The first half of March went ahead as planned. We spent $137.26 in one shopping trip, and walked back a few

Time for a Food Challenge!

  Recently I thought about starting a food challenge for the month of March. I wanted to do something based on the Food Stamp or SNAP Challenge in the US. You impose a grocery budget limit for yourself equal to

Time for a Food Challenge!

  Recently I thought about starting a food challenge for the month of March. I wanted to do something based on the Food Stamp or SNAP Challenge in the US. You impose a grocery budget limit for yourself equal to

Stuff I Bought

  I was looking at my annual budget progress today, and paused to think about how much money I spent on “stuff.” That is, objects which will live for months or years in my home, car or office. Most of

Stuff I Bought

  I was looking at my annual budget progress today, and paused to think about how much money I spent on “stuff.” That is, objects which will live for months or years in my home, car or office. Most of

Half Year Grocery Tally 2018

We’re more than halfway through 2018 so it’s time for a half-year grocery tally! I examine my grocery buying and spending in detail once or twice a year. In previous years, I listed how much I bought of each item

Half Year Grocery Tally 2018

We’re more than halfway through 2018 so it’s time for a half-year grocery tally! I examine my grocery buying and spending in detail once or twice a year. In previous years, I listed how much I bought of each item

My Stuff

Five years ago I did a home inventory and established that I owned over 10,000 countable items. Yikes! I have not decluttered a great deal. My stuff is relatively neat and retrievable! In theory I would like to gaze upon

My Stuff

Five years ago I did a home inventory and established that I owned over 10,000 countable items. Yikes! I have not decluttered a great deal. My stuff is relatively neat and retrievable! In theory I would like to gaze upon

Housework Sharing: Plans vs Reality!

You know me. This month I created a big set of linked documents to launch our new housework sharing system! I have always been the one to notice and “assign” house and yard work, or just do most of it,

Housework Sharing: Plans vs Reality!

You know me. This month I created a big set of linked documents to launch our new housework sharing system! I have always been the one to notice and “assign” house and yard work, or just do most of it,

Housework Sharing Guide

When two or more adults share a home, what is a fair division of labour? How to decide? I’ve been examining my whole approach to these questions. If all of us could work out schedules based on preferences, we would

Housework Sharing Guide

When two or more adults share a home, what is a fair division of labour? How to decide? I’ve been examining my whole approach to these questions. If all of us could work out schedules based on preferences, we would